S & P

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S & P

Post by freelsjd »

This issue has been bothering me for years now with the softmaker products. With this beta version of softmaker nx, I think it is now appropriate to speak out about it. It may seem trivial, I agree, but it is very basic. When I look at the three icons that are pushed to start the software, T, S, and P, the S & P seemed swapped to me. Yes, T, makes sense for Textmaker; actually more appropriate than that other software, Word. It is a Textmaker indeed, so T makes sense for an icon.

However, S currently points to the presentation maker. It is actually called presentationnx for the executable. It is for presentations. Why is it called S ?
Then, we have P set for the planmaker, when we all associate the software with a spreadsheet. Even if you want to call it planmaker, why not associate it with S for a spreadsheet ?

Being a Linux user myself, I have swapped the icons starting at the 21 version. Should have done this years ago. So, when I click the big P, I get a presentation maker, and when I click the big S, I get the spreadsheet.

Please consider, from a beta tester, swapping S & P.

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Re: S & P

Post by tlmiller »

Gotta agree, this has NEVER made sense to me.
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Re: S & P

Post by raitis.veksejs »

Thank you for your feedback! I have forwarded it to our product management team...
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