Bug in softmaker 2021 for Linux

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Bug in softmaker 2021 for Linux

Post by megajavisan »

Hey team. I found a bug in Softmaker 2021. Im using a HDPI screen, when I opened by first time PlanMaker I chose in Files/Configuration/Appeareance/UI size the Big one for matching correctly my resolution monitor. It works great until next reboot. But after a OS reboot, time and time again I have to change UI resolution, because it is back to Normal one. I have experience the same bug in TextMaker and Presentations. I'm using Ubuntu 21.04, and Im paying annually a license to Softmaker. I would be worth SoftMaker team could help me.
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Re: Bug in softmaker 2021 for Linux

Post by SuperTech »

Thanks for posting your problem, but we are unable to reproduce this problem. Please check and make sure you are using our latest revision of SoftMaker Office 2021.

If you face the same problem after update also, please share both screenshots of the setting which reset before and after reboot, sminfo file which you can generate by clicking on '?' > About > Write system information.
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