Line properties not saving...

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Line properties not saving...

Post by zackf »

Perhaps similar to my hyphenation problem I just posted...

I am coming from Microsoft 365. I have several documents and templates with line objects in them. These lines are part of letterhead and signatures (for aesthetics) and there location needs to be fixed in relation to certain text. And I have found that by going to Properties and I can click "move with text", but again when I save the document and re-open it, the setting is unchecked. Again, I have many templates and forms that are frequently used …if I only had to save them each once that would even be do-able.

**I meant to put this in the Textmaker thread, sorry
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Re: Line properties not saving...

Post by SuperTech »

Thanks for reporting this problem. I tried to reproduce this problem and the settings stayed on reopen.

Please share the associated file of TextMaker 2021 in which you are getting this problem so that we can do further investigation for resolution.

If you want to send it to us privately, please send us an e-mail to forum[at]

Please also include the forum URL of this topic so that we can trace your e-mail.
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