Linux Equation Editor Workarounds?

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Posts: 18
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Linux Equation Editor Workarounds?

Post by Leigh »

I know the lack of an Equation Editor for the Linux version - and for me this is the last stumbling block for me, but ...

Has anyone got any experience of using an external equation editor or one in another app and then importing the equations to TextMaker?

I can imagine using the editor in my Joplin notes app (such a great app!) and then somehow importing it (simple print screen?)

Does anyone have any ideas they have tried, with positive or negative results, please?
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Re: Linux Equation Editor Workarounds?

Post by lgsl »

This have been something that has been asked for a long time and still, nothing. It does not bothers me, since I do not have any need for such feature, but if I needed it, quite frankly I would simply use Latex and do the entire paper there.
You could give LibreOffice Math a try. There are also some other equation editors out there, or you could do it the old fashion way with the help of inkscape, for instance. Whatever route you go make sure the image formar is not an uncommon one.
Posts: 18
Joined: Fri Jul 01, 2022 12:49 am

Re: Linux Equation Editor Workarounds?

Post by Leigh »

LibreOffice Math is an answer that works
Its just annoying that I have to use two apps
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