Possible bug with image object frames?

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Joined: Mon Dec 25, 2023 7:06 pm

Possible bug with image object frames?

Post by AntonyW »

Not sure if this is a bug or my lack of understanding of what's supposed to happen, but...

When I insert an image into text, it appears as an embedded image which moves with the text, as expected. I can then convert it into an object frame and move it to where I want, as expected. However, if I switch it back to an embedded image, and then back to an object frame a second time, all the text is pushed onto the next page. If I then move the image object frame onto the next page, the text all jumps back. It's as if the text box won't allow the text to appear on the same page, as though the object takes up the whole page even though it's only a small image which leaves plenty of space for the text. It's not to do with the text wrapping properties either. Changing them doesn't seem to make a difference.

The same thing sometimes happens if I resize the object, even without having switched it back to an embedded object and then and object frame again.

Once this has happened, I can fix it by cutting the image and pasting it back in as an embedded image. I can then change it to an image object frame, and it stays on the same page as the text, as I would want. However, the image has degraded to a very low resolution with visible pixelation.

Obviously, I can delete the image and re-insert it, but that seems an unnecessary faff. I'd like it to work correctly without me having to do that!
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Joined: Mon Dec 25, 2023 7:06 pm

Re: Possible bug with image object frames?

Post by AntonyW »

I've solved the problem. It was to do with the pictures on the master page - they were not set to "behind text". It's hard to see why this causes the problem I was having though. The text that was already on the page (not the master page) was unaffected by the images on the master page, so it's very strange that adding a picture to the main page should then cause the text to be affected by the settings of the image on the master page. Anyway, setting the master page's images' wrap settings to "behind text" inexplicably solved the problem.
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