Thanks for making videos work in presentations!

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Thanks for making videos work in presentations!

Post by PaulVanSchayck »

This was a major feature I was missing. Works well with all files I've tested.
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SoftMaker Team
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Re: Thanks for making videos work in presentations!

Post by raitis.veksejs »

Thank you for your feedback! I forwarded it to our product management team.
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Re: Thanks for making videos work in presentations!

Post by JohnbCallander »

I have just found one video that does not work in a presentation. If it is use to the team I can upload it. It is song video but it does not show the words just the background screen. Others work Ok - it works Ok in PowerPoint in which someone else originally created it.
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Re: Thanks for making videos work in presentations!

Post by raitis.veksejs »

Yes, if you could provide a sample file we would be grateful. If it contains sensitive data you can send it to our e-mail forum [at]
Please include in your e-mail also link to this forum.
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Re: Thanks for making videos work in presentations!

Post by JohnbCallander »

These issues are not found in the Windows version the first two hymns do not show the words to sing, the 3rd and 4th ones cannot be stopped or moved on from. They work in Libre but Libre messed up the presentation.

350 Mb so has to be a link ... 28CB05C424

Hope it helps.
SoftMaker Team
SoftMaker Team
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Re: Thanks for making videos work in presentations!

Post by raitis.veksejs »

I was able to reproduce the problem on Linux version Ubutu 22.04
I forwarded the information to our developers' team.
But could you also provide me log file sminfo.txt? We need it to reproduce the problem on an exact operating system.
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Re: Thanks for making videos work in presentations!

Post by eijentwun »

SoftMaker: When you FINALLY release this Officially, you SHOULD announce with Trumpets that Linux now Supports dropping in VIDEO and AUDIO/Sounds into Presentations. This was Toooooo Long in coming but glad its finally here.... This is MAJOR MAJOR and a deciding factor of whether someone will use this or another Office App. BRAVO !!!
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