Value left behind when undoing the move of a block of cells

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Value left behind when undoing the move of a block of cells

Post by nicholassmall »

In sheet 'Assets and RFs', I selected cells F4:F17, clicked on this and held down the mouse button, then moved the cells one column to the left; the numbers no longer displayed properly, because the column was too narrow. Not wishing to upset the layout of the tables further down the page, I pressed Ctrl-Z to undo the move; all the values moved back but I was left with the date still displayed (as 2021.00) in cell E4, as currently displayed.
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Re: Value left behind when undoing the move of a block of cells

Post by Devonboy78 »

On downloading your file, date in E4 is displayed as 2021.00 as soon it is opened, before selecting F4:F17 and moving them to next column LEFT then undoing with Control+Z. To test out, I moved F4:F17 to column E then did Control + Z. 2021.00 then re-appeared in E4, but of course it had been there before the first move. However the formula for cells E4 and F4 both show ='R&PforReport'!E5, yet display differently, suggesting a cell format error in E4
I then deleted cell E4, and repeated the move and undoing it. This time nothing was left in E4, as I expected

I then closed the file without saving my change to E4, re-opened it again, deleted cell E4, repeated the move and undo move and the problem seemed to have disappeared. However on saving the file with E4 having been deleted and the move repeated successfully several times, on re-opening the modified file, the problem re-appeared with E4 again displaying 2021.00 after moving and undoing cell moves.
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Re: Value left behind when undoing the move of a block of cells

Post by Devonboy78 »

Having done some playing, this error occurs only when one moves [in your worksheet]cell F4 to E4 and then uses Control + Z to undo.
It does not occur if you move cell F4 to F3 or F5 then Undo with Control + Z nor if you move cell F4 to E4 then move it back again.
I started a new workbook and inserted a new sheet in which I entered 2021 in A1 and 2022 in B1 . I then went back to sheet 1 and made cell C4 reference 2021 in sheet 2 [A1] and cell C5 reference 2022 in sheet 2 [B1]. If I then selected cells C4 and C5 in sheet 1, moved them to B3 and B4 then used Control + Z, 2021 and 2022 were moved back to C4 and C5, leaving copies in cells B3 and B4.
Even stranger behaviour happens if you make a column of cells, say C3 to C9, referencing dates from sheet 2. If you then select cells C3 to C9 and move them to B3 to B9, do Control + z, the cells contents are moved back but some cells in B3 to B9 remain and if Control + z is pressed again, the remaining cells in B3 to B9 gain the values. If you move a range of cells say C3:E9 one column left then Ctrl + Z , only cells in column B retain numbers that were copied there
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