Improvement to Search & Replace function

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Improvement to Search & Replace function

Post by joredor »

A function that I've found to be clunky in earlier versions of TextMaker is that searching for a word in a document only looks until the end of the document, instead of wrapping back around to the beginning to continue the search. The upshot is that if you're working on a long document (hundreds of pages), as I often do, and then while editing the manuscript you come across a term that needs to be changed or fixed, in order to find/replace all the instances of the word you need to first think to go to the top (beginning) of the document. And then you also need to take note of where you were when you noticed the desired change so that you can then get back to that spot to resume editing after the search & replace.

In MS Word, you can be anywhere in the document, do a search-and-replace, and when it's finished you will be automatically taken back to where you had been in the document when you initiated the replace. When Word reaches the end of the file during a search, it does stop to ask if you want to continue searching from the beginning of the file, but this takes one simple click.

I'm hoping that this improvement can be made for the 2024 edition, as it would make the work significantly less tedious and facilitate the ultimate transition to SMO. I'd be surprised if I were the only one who kept running into this annoyance.
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Re: Improvement to Search & Replace function

Post by el48tel »

Although I do write for publication, I write short(ish) documents and I don't find it too difficult to search to correct or amend ..... but I agree that the facility to "loop search" is useful. In fact, I would say priority. I very often search more than once during one edit, since contextually, I might decide to leave certain instances unchanged, but then return.
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Re: Improvement to Search & Replace function

Post by Goghard »

Totally agree. I would suggest that “loop search” were the default option. I would add that I miss an option for searching—or replacing—within the selected text only. Having it would be nice, and I think that enabling it by default would be a welcomed improvement. Also, I agree that getting back to where the cursor was before using the Replace tool would be nice. Finally, I would suggest that, after searching for something and hitting enter, the cursor remains in the text box in the Search panel. In the past, I accidentally entered search words in the main text because of the current behavior.
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Re: Improvement to Search & Replace function

Post by raitis.veksejs »

There is already functionality that allows you to select to search whole document not only starting from place where cursor is. Thank you for feature idea about returning after search to the position where is cursor at the start of the search! I'll forward it to our product management team.
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