Textmaker typing lag on Ubuntu

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Textmaker typing lag on Ubuntu

Post by amergin »

Hey all,

I have Textmaker 2021 (amd64) installed on Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS. I notice that once I write more than 10 pages, delays begin to occur from typing input to its display on the page. For instance, on a 20 page document, there is hardly any delay when I am typing on page 19, or 20 (the end of the .docx), but extreme delay, up to a few seconds, when I type on pp. 4, 5, 6, etc.

I have reinstalled Textmaker (64 bit) following the website's instructions. I have also already disabled (1) Use OpenGL engine (2) SHM extensions (3) Use XIM and the other options on Options-> System. Doing this has helped a bit, but the delay is still present.

I have enabled support for Arabic font (since the .docx I am using has quite a bit of it, roughly 1/3-1/2 of the .docx).

What could be causing the delays? I am particularly puzzled why there would be delays at the beginning of the .docx, but hardly any at the end. Anyone know what could be the root of this issue?

Let me know what other info I can provide! Thanks in advance!
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Re: Textmaker typing lag on Ubuntu

Post by SuperTech »

Thanks for reporting this problem. Please share the associated file of TextMaker 2021 in which you are getting this problem so that we can do further investigation for resolution.

If you want to send it to us privately, please send us an e-mail to forum[at]softmaker.de

Please also include the forum URL of this topic so that we can trace your e-mail.
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Re: Textmaker typing lag on Ubuntu

Post by dpr »

Hi everyone,

I'm facing the same problem on Linux MX21 (based on Debian 11) with a 12 pages document and last Textmaker 21 release.
There may be sometimes 2 or 3 seconds between typing and text displaying.
Any hint to solve the problem ?

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Re: Textmaker typing lag on Ubuntu

Post by SuperTech »

Thanks for your post. Please share the sample document as requested above.
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Re: Textmaker typing lag on Ubuntu

Post by dpr »

Thanks for your answer, SuperTech.
See the attached file that has 21 pages and try typing on page 11.
You should see it is very slow to react (at least with my typing speed which is quite fast, I got typing training).
I should had that this is with a ten years old laptop (Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU 75670 @ 1.80 Ghz), but this slow typing reaction only happens with textmaker, no such problem with other word processors like abiword or libreoffice.
Thanks for your help,

sample file with slow typing on page 11.docx
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Re: Textmaker typing lag on Ubuntu

Post by SuperTech »

Thanks for sharing the sample file, but we are unable to reproduce this problem.

I even copied and pasted pages from your file to make it 115 pages long, but even then I am able to type without any problem. Please check the below screen recording for your reference.
Slow typing unable to reproduce.gif
There should be something else which can cause this problem. Please update your SoftMaker Office to the latest version.

You can also try to rename SoftMaker folder which is in your home folder. Please don't delete this folder.
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Re: Textmaker typing lag on Ubuntu

Post by dpr »

Thanks again SuperTech for caring about my problem.

My softmaker 2021 release is 3182, which is the last one available in Softmaker Debian repository.
Attached is sminfo.txt file for more information about my system configuration.

I tried what you proposed : rename SoftMaker directory in my home directory, then open the sample file which presented the slow typing problem : the problem is still there, no change : slow typing reaction on page 11/21.

Anything else I can try ?


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Re: Textmaker typing lag on Ubuntu

Post by SuperTech »

Thanks for trying and for sharing sminfo file. Please click on ribbon command File | Options | System tab | uncheck options "Use OpenGL Engine", "Use SHM extensions" and "Use XIM". Click OK, restart the application, and then try again.

You can also reinstall SoftMaker Office completely.
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Re: Textmaker typing lag on Ubuntu

Post by dpr »

Thanks for your reply.
I tried what you proposed, but unfortunately, nothing changed.
I'll try a complete reinstall and let you know.
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Re: Textmaker typing lag on Ubuntu

Post by dpr »

I did a complete uninstall / reinstall of SoftMaker Office 2021,
unfortunately that did not solve the problem.
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Re: Textmaker typing lag on Ubuntu

Post by SuperTech »

I have forwarded the details to our developer team for further investigation of this problem.
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Re: Textmaker typing lag on Ubuntu

Post by dpr »

Thanks Supertech !
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Re: Textmaker typing lag on Ubuntu

Post by dpr »

Just one additionnal information. Keyboard response is better when I change the view mode from standard to continuous, though it is still a bit slow.
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