text selection colour with dark page background

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text selection colour with dark page background

Post by fdavies »

As one of those who has trouble with the glare of white screens, I've found the Page Background setting in Textmaker to be a really welcome feature. :D The best combination for my eyes is a black or dark-colored background with a white font.
But there's a snag: :? So far I've found no way to change the color used for selecting text. It seems to be set firmly at a pale yellow shade that's well suited for dark font on white background. The darker the background color, the less the selection is highlighted.
I've found the best compromise so far is to set the background at 50% grey or a color of equivalent darkness, and keep the font set at white.
Is there a way to change the text selection color? If not, it would be a welcome addition to any planned update.
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Re: text selection colour with dark page background

Post by SuperTech »

Thanks for your post and for the suggestion. Currently, we don't have any such option, but I have forwarded this improvement suggestion to our product management.
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