Cannot invert sign of a numeric value in Mailings field calculation formula

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Cannot invert sign of a numeric value in Mailings field calculation formula

Post by mkind »

I have a numeric database field for which I want to invert the sign via "Mailings" => "Field" => "Calculation". The field is definitely numeric as a formula like

Code: Select all

works absolutely fine. So I'm trying to invert the sign of fieldname; but all my attempts:

Code: Select all

- fieldname

Code: Select all

fieldname * -1

Code: Select all

-1 * fieldname

Code: Select all

(-1) * fieldname

Code: Select all

fieldname * (-1)
lead to the error message "numerical value expected". What am I doing wrong here?

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Re: Cannot invert sign of a numeric value in Mailings field calculation formula

Post by SuperTech »

Thanks for your post. It seems, your database contains non-numeric values on which you are trying to apply the numeric formula. Please check the formatting of that database field, if it's numeric or not.

Please send the sample file with the database file so that we can investigate this problem at our end. If it's private, please send it to forum[at] with the link of this post.
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