Words get "swallowed" when I try to edit other words before them

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Words get "swallowed" when I try to edit other words before them

Post by DidrickNam81 »

This has happened on occasion and I've found it to be annoying to the point where I have to just delete entire paragraphs and re-type them. What happens is that if I want to replace a word within a sentence or a paragraph with another word, whatever I start typing "swallows" the following word(s) and I don't know how to stop this from happening when editing a document. I've looked under the "Edit" tab in settings but I saw no option to leave words in front of the word I want to edit "as is", or to keep them visible without getting "swallowed" by the letters replacing the old word with the new one.

Does anyone understand what I mean or does this sound crazy? If anyone has experienced this and found a solution, let me know! Thanks in advance!
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Re: Words get "swallowed" when I try to edit other words before them

Post by Jossi »

In the status bar at the bottom of the window there should be a field showing either "Ins" or "Ovr". If it is "Ovr", click on it to change from "overwrite" mode to "insert" mode.
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Re: Words get "swallowed" when I try to edit other words before them

Post by DidrickNam81 »

That fixed it, thank you for the reply! :)
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Joined: Fri May 13, 2022 6:23 pm

Re: Words get "swallowed" when I try to edit other words before them

Post by fbrustman »

Thanks for the instruction.
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