Something wrong with Check-updates?

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Something wrong with Check-updates?

Post by JohnWasilewski »

I am encountering this same problem, with the MacOS, Linux and Windows versions of SMO on all of the following:
- MacOS Monterey
- Linux Zorin 15
- Windows (WINE) under Linux Zorin 15
- Windows 10 via Parallels on macOS Monterey

The problem is that, today 2021-12-04,
  • Help>About reports that I have TextMaker Professional 2021 (rev S1038.1028) 64bit,
  • Help>Check for updates reports that No updates have been found for SoftMaker Office.

Unless I have misunderstood something, it seems as if I have SMO ver.1038, but Help>check-for-updates is failing to update SMO for me to ver.1040. I have had this same problem many months ago using only Linux, and I was able at that time to work round it by downloading the then-latest update manually and installing it manually, but I see that manual downloads are no longer available.

Am I doing something wrong here, or have I in fact misunderstood anything?

If there's a bug causing this, and it it will take a while to fix because it is a bug in TextMaker not in the web-page code, could SoftMaker consider possibly re-instating the manual downloads option in the web-page, so we can use the latest update straight away?
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Re: Something wrong with Check-updates?

Post by martin-k »

Updates are put out in stages to avoid overburdening the server. You need to wait a day or two, and then the update will be available to you as well.

I see that you posted this in the Mac version. There have never been special upgrade packages for Mac or Linux. The update checker just offers to download the full version again. You can initiate this download manually by going to the website, under Download > Applications.
Martin Kotulla
SoftMaker Software GmbH
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Re: Something wrong with Check-updates?

Post by JohnWasilewski »

Thanks Martin.
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