Print quality using a new template

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Print quality using a new template

Post by paul-b »

I recently created a new template for a writing project. It works fine - page size, text and paragraph styles all seem to work ok. But when I print text in files using it the print quality is much poorer than if I use the normal template which comes with TextMaker. The text is distinctly pixelated and not of publication quality.

Why is this and what can I do to resolve the problem?
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Re: Print quality using a new template

Post by SuperTech »

Thanks for reporting this problem. Please share the associated file of TextMaker in which you are getting this problem so that we can do further investigation for resolution.

If you want to send it to us privately, please e-mail us at the forum[at]

Please also include the forum URL of this topic so that we can trace your e-mail.
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Re: Print quality using a new template

Post by paul-b »

I deleted the original file but have created another.
Attached are two files, one uses the new template I created, the other uses the Normal template.
I have just printed each of these files using the same printer and printer settings. The same problem has occurred.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
File 1 using Normal Template.docx
(13.07 KiB) Downloaded 383 times
File 1 using New Book Template.docx
This is the file using the template I created myself.
(13.19 KiB) Downloaded 392 times
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Re: Print quality using a new template

Post by SuperTech »

Thanks for sharing the files. I printed both the files but unable to find any print quality difference apart from the customized page size and margin which you defined in your file.

Please print both the files as PDF and she with screenshots marking the differences in print quality so that we can check further for a better solution.
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Re: Print quality using a new template

Post by paul-b »

As suggested I converted both files to PDF format and printed them. There is no difference in print quality using this format.

To double-check, I printed them again as DOCX files and there is a difference.

The solution to my immediate problem is therefore to convert files for publication to PDF format, so thanks for that.

It is strange, however, that I find there is a clear difference of quality when printing using DOCX format and curious that you are unable to replicate it. For your information I have taken two close-up JPGs of the printed texts of the two docx. files with a camera. You can clearly see the difference in the quality I am getting. Hopefully they will help you in your investigations.

For now I'll use the pdf solution but would be interested if you can replicate the initial problem and find a solution.

Thanks for your help.
This is a close up of the docx. printed text usng the Normal template.
This is a close up of the docx. printed text usng the Normal template.
This is a close-up of the docx. printed text using the self created template.
This is a close-up of the docx. printed text using the self created template.
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Re: Print quality using a new template

Post by SuperTech »

Thanks for sharing the photos but the template has no control over the print quality.

Be sure that you use the same printer driver with the same printer settings in all cases. Your second printout looks like your printer uses some ink-saving mode.
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Re: Print quality using a new template

Post by paul-b »

I used the same printer, printer driver and printer settings for both files and the result, as can be seen from the photos, is a clear difference in print quality. Interesting to note one file might be utilising an ink-saving mode. Could the new template inadvertently be triggering this without my knowing?
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Re: Print quality using a new template

Post by martin-k »

No, a template does nothing like this with the printer settings.
Martin Kotulla
SoftMaker Software GmbH
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