Missing buttons for Planmaker and Presentations in Ribbon layout

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Missing buttons for Planmaker and Presentations in Ribbon layout

Post by bpr323 »

When I set the appearance to "ribbon" layout (top row), I can't add the buttons to switch to Planmaker or Presentations.
Tese buttons appear only on the "toolbar" mode (bottom row) in Appearance / Customise selection screen.
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Re: Missing buttons for Planmaker and Presentations in Ribbon layout

Post by SuperTech »

Yes, in ribbon mode, by default these buttons are not added but if you want you can add these buttons by following these steps:

1. Right click on ribbon > Click on customize ribbon.
2. Type application name, e.g. PlanMaker, in Quick Search text box.
3. In the Customize dropdown, please select the ribbon name in which you want to add this button.
4. Select PlanMaker command and then click on double arrow " >>".
5. Click on Close.

You will find this button will be there in the ribbon, clicking which you can open that application.
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