How to create table of contents

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How to create table of contents

Post by stefanmaine »

I have Softmaker Office 2021 Professional on an iMac Retina 2017 with Catalina.

I have a docx document with eighty pages that will become an ePub, probably at Kindle. I will either "export" it as an ePub at File>ePub Export or convert it using one of Kindle's utilities. This is my first time at this.

The first page of the document is a Table of Contents with twenty rows. Each row is an item name (two or three words). Each of the twenty items within the document is 2-4 pages in length. They are in effect chapters.

I would like a reader to be able to click on an item name in the Table of Contents, and be jumped to the item in the text. In other words, hyperlink each of the rows in the Table of Contents to the appropriate items in the text.

Is there a way to do that in TextMaker Professional 2021?

Is there a "manual" somewhere that I should be accessing rather than asking this question here? Clicking on Help led me to "Tools>Generate Table of Contents ..." but, unless I am missing something, it kind of left me hanging there.

Thank you.
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Re: How to create table of contents

Post by SuperTech »

There is one option “Use hyperlinks instead of page numbers” in “Generate table of contents” which is suitable for your need as shown below:
Hyperlinks in TOC.jpg

This option is also clearly mentioned in User Manual.
Hyperlinks in TOC Manual.jpg
Posts: 27
Joined: Wed Feb 19, 2020 4:30 pm

Re: How to create table of contents

Post by stefanmaine »

Thank you.
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