Odd behaviour on MP4 file

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Joined: Sat Dec 19, 2020 2:30 pm

Odd behaviour on MP4 file

Post by Radar »

I have created a photo slideshow which has been saved in MP4 and inserted it in a presentation.

On beginning playing this - the very last slide of the piece gets briefly shown at the very beginning.

It doesn't seem to happen when played outside of Softmaker Presentations.

Any thoughts on what might be causing this?
SoftMaker Team
SoftMaker Team
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Re: Odd behaviour on MP4 file

Post by SuperTech »

Thanks for reporting this problem. Please share the associated file of Presentations 2021 in which you are getting this problem with steps to reproduce this problem so that we can do further investigation for resolution.

If you want to send it to us privately, please e-mail us at the forum[at]softmaker.de

Please also include the forum URL of this topic so that we can trace your e-mail.
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