Can't see images in .DOC files

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Can't see images in .DOC files

Post by joredor »

I'm working on a manuscript that includes illustrations. I am using TextMaker Professional 2018 (version S978.0905).

The trouble is, the images are not showing up. The spaces for them are there, and the text flows around these spaces, but the images themselves are not visible. In some cases, there is what looks like a blinking vertical line in the center of where the illustration should be.

I have tried opening the same file on a variety of other platforms:

TextMaker 2016 on Kubuntu Linux (version 765.0305)
MS Word 2007 on Kubuntu Linux (via WINE)
LibreOffice Write on Kubuntu Linux (version
MS Word 2007 on Windows Vista
MS Word 2010 on Windows 8
TextMaker Professional 2016 on Windows 8 (version 757.0510)
MS Word 2019 on Windows 10
FreeOffice TextMaker 2016 (version 758.0625) on Windows 10

The images display properly on every one of these platforms, except for TM 2016 in Linux and TM 2018 in Linux. What can I do to get the images to display in TM for Linux?

If it will help in investigating the source of the problem, I can provide sample pages from this file via some confidential method.
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Re: Can't see images in .DOC files

Post by SuperTech »

Please let us know what's the format of images which you have used in this file or please share the sample file so that we can test it.
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Re: Can't see images in .DOC files

Post by joredor »

The .DOC file came to me with the images already in it, so I don't know the format of the images themselves. But I can share sample pages containing images. To what address at SoftMaker should I send the samples? (It has to be a private delivery to SoftMaker for their analysis, I can't simply post the samples here or make them available to other parties.)

Thank you.
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Re: Can't see images in .DOC files

Post by SuperTech »

Please share the associated file of TextMaker 2021 in which you are getting this problem so that we can do further investigation for resolution.

If you want to send it to us privately, please e-mail us at the forum[at]

Please also include the forum URL of this topic so that we can trace your e-mail.
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Re: Can't see images in .DOC files

Post by joredor »

Thank you, I sent sample pages from the file this morning to the address you gave.

Looking forward to hearing back from the SM team.
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Re: Can't see images in .DOC files

Post by SuperTech »

Thanks for sharing the file. The images in your file are EMF files which are currently not supported in SoftMaker Office for Linux, please change the image file format and this problem will be resolved.
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Re: Can't see images in .DOC files

Post by joredor »

Thanks for the information. I had never even heard of .EMF files! The file format for the images is not under my control, I will have to ask the author to fix it.
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