Softmaker hushed in evaluations of MS Office competitors

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Softmaker hushed in evaluations of MS Office competitors

Post by ecbritz »

Out of pure curiosity I recently read some articles on the internet about the current competitors of MS Office. Even respected computer magazines published online seem to hush and ignore Softmaker. I was surprised to see that for instance WordPerfect is mentioned as a worthy challenger -- but often not Softmaker. WordPerfect is indeed the grand old lady of word processors. It is "Office Royalty" next to MS Office, with some life-long, long-living loyalists on its user forum. WordPerfect is also liked by fine-tuning perfectionists, and deserves its grand status. But once you have experienced Softmaker, you abandon this grand old lady, despite your pangs of conscience. Another surprise is the admiration for the free, eternally-experimental LibreOffice. I do admire the selfless enthusiasts who work on this community project. But it is, in my experience, not nearly as MS Office compatible as Softmaker. A problem of compatibility is immediately addressed when reported in Softmaker's user forum, and soon you will see a repair available for downloading and installation. And yet, Softmaker often shines in its absence when MS Office's challengers are lined up. I'm baffled.
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Re: Softmaker hushed in evaluations of MS Office competitors

Post by SuperTech »

Thanks for your appreciation. I have forwarded your concern to our product management.
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Re: Softmaker hushed in evaluations of MS Office competitors

Post by josephrot »

This "reviewer or publication ignorance" regarding SoftMaker Office -- now Version 2021 -- is quite unfair, and even "injures" all those potential SoftMaker users that have no idea of the quality Office system that SoftMaker represents.

Hence, that is one major reason that I have purchased full SM 2021 so that I can product review it for various publications, online areas, soon on YouTube and other "outlets", and to allow SoftMaker to use our reviews and excerpts in SM marketing, sales, and other areas as they wish -- at no charge or fee.

Joseph Rotello
Knoxville, TN
Windows 7 and 10 Pro 64bit | Intel Multi Core i5 3.46gHz | 8GB DDR3 | 1GB Nvidia GTX-650SP @ 1152x864 | ASUS | SoftMaker Office 2021, 2018 and 2016 user
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Re: Softmaker hushed in evaluations of MS Office competitors

Post by SuperTech »

Thank you very much for your support. :thumbsup: =D>
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