tm PROJECT feature request

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tm PROJECT feature request

Post by JohnWasilewski »

I have often wished I could save, as a 'project', all my current tabs.
TM should open them all when File>Open selects the project filename.

The project should save as a '.tmpr' file (or something like that, containing just a list of document file pathnames.
At the same time as saving the project, TM should also:

- for current tabs that have been edited/changed/created-as-new:
SAVE current versions, overwriting existing and amending file saved-dates;

- for current tabs that have been opened but not edited:
Just save the pathname in the .tmpr file. Nothing more.

For serious work, this would be a great help.
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Re: tm PROJECT feature request

Post by SuperTech »

Thanks for your suggestion. I have forwarded this feature request to our development team.
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