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Post by JohnWasilewski »

I don't think TM has a split-screen function, has it, to let us see, consider, copy, cut, paste and move-between two places at the same time in one document? If there is, someone please tell me! If not then, SoftMaker, please give us this facility!

Idea: there's a very, very easy alternative that SoftMaker developers could facilitate, which would be a Godsend sometimes. Just enable us to open the same document in two file-open tabs at the same time. Currently, if a document is already open, and one tries to open it again in another tab, the view switches to the tab that already has it open. I can't find a way of opening it twice. If Softmaker developers would edit the code to let us open two copies in separate tabs - one as read-only of course, that really would be very helpful.
Even better if the read-only tab could be darkened slightly.
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Re: SPLIT SCREEN request

Post by kgha »

You can open the same document in different tabs:
1) open the document in question
2) open a new tab with blank document
3) in the new tab, click Insert > Document and choose the document in question, and voilà
NB: editing will be allowed in both documents which might be a snag, but the second one will be a new, i.e. unsaved and untitled document (till you choose otherwise, of course).
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Re: SPLIT SCREEN request

Post by JohnWasilewski »

Good idea. I had tried using a new tab to open the same document. It didn’t occur to me to use ‘insert document’ into the new tab. I’ll do that in future.

I still think it would be a great feature if TM could do this more seamlessly.
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Re: SPLIT SCREEN request

Post by SuperTech »

Thanks for your suggestion. I have forwarded this request to our product management...
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Re: SPLIT SCREEN request

Post by jmarc »

No news?
Without going so far as Microsoft Office does, at least, and I guess this could not be so difficult, a "duplicate tab" should be strongly welcomed,
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