Table Total Row Issue

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Table Total Row Issue

Post by PeterC »

If a worksheet is deleted in PlanMaker (note: I am using xlsx format), Total Row calculations (sum, count, etc.) in tables become inaccurate and require updating in any tables created to the right of the deleted worksheet. For example, if I have a workbook with worksheets A, B, C, D, E, and F, and I delete worksheet C, then any table Total Row summeries in worksheets D, E, and F become inaccurate (and require recalculation).
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Re: Table Total Row Issue

Post by SuperTech »

This is the case only if the sheet you are deleting has reference in the sheets right to it. Otherwise, there will be no such problem. If you currently have this problem please share your PlanMaker sheet and let us know with which sheet you have this problem.

You can share the file privately to our email ID forum[at]

Please mention link of this post also in the email:
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Re: Table Total Row Issue

Post by PeterC »

The worksheets and tables previously referenced had no links internally or externally. Additionally, the worksheets and tables were initially created in SO 2018.
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Re: Table Total Row Issue

Post by SuperTech »

Thanks for the information. I am waiting for the file as I tried to reproduce the issue but everything worked as expected. We have to check your file in which this issue occurring for a better resolution of this problem.
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