Bug: Symbolic links don't work as expected

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Bug: Symbolic links don't work as expected

Post by po9794 »


Suppose I create a file:


Then I create a symbolic link onto my Desktop:

ln -s /home/me/Documents/myDoc.docx /home/me/Desktop/myDocLink.docx

If I open myDocLink, TextMaker opens the document. So far so good. If I edit the document and save, it turns out that my symbolic link on my desktop is turned into a real file with the updated content. And the document myDoc.docx (originally pointed to by the symlink) isn't updated with the last changes.

Is there a workaround? Is this bug going to be fixed?
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Re: Bug: Symbolic links don't work as expected

Post by SuperTech »

Thanks for reporting this issue. I reproduced this issue and forwarded the complete details to our development team.
Posts: 2
Joined: Tue May 05, 2020 11:47 am

Re: Bug: Symbolic links don't work as expected

Post by po9794 »

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