Monthly free fonts license

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Monthly free fonts license

Post by Woody44 »

The license information for the monthly free font download says the following:
These fonts are neither public domain nor shareware. They may not be transferred to third parties. But we’re always pleased when people tell friends and acquaintances about – and of course you’re welcome to link to us.
That doesn't tell me anything about MY license rights. Where and when can I use these fonts? For example, am I allowed to use these free fonts to generate copy in a commercial setting? Can I use them to produce a newsletter? Can I use them in a book that will be sold as printed copies? Can I use them in a book that will be sold as one or more of the e-book formats (ePub or MOBI)?
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Re: Monthly free fonts license

Post by SuperTech »

Thanks for showing interest in FreeFont. You can use them for commercial printing and PDFs. But not as web fonts or in e-books.
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