Dictionary language each time reverts to English

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Dictionary language each time reverts to English

Post by ebakker »


Dutch guy here; added the Hunspell dicationairies for both Dutch (Belgium) and French; whenever I open a document with Dutch text, I put all settings (!!) interface, dialogue, spelling etc to Dutch (Belgium). Clicking 'Spelling controle' suggests still all words in English and does not recognize any Dutch word.... In the Spelling Language list, each time Preference reverts to US English. Changing that, does not change the spelling suggestions. Until now, spelling does not let manipulate itself into a different setting; not even after saving the document with all Dutch settings; reopening again all english spelling only.... What to do? :-)
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Re: Dictionary language each time reverts to English

Post by martin-k »

Have you just set the default language, or have you really formatted the document in Dutch?

Place the cursor in the text, look at the status bar. Does it say English or Dutch?
Martin Kotulla
SoftMaker Software GmbH
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Re: Dictionary language each time reverts to English

Post by ebakker »

Thanks for your answer!

I put the cursor in the text; it said English. I selected all text in the document; clicked on the Dutch language. Saved the document. Closed FreeOffice, double clicked my document ... now it stays on the right language!

Thanks for your effort(s) and time!
I do appreciate it!
Thanks and Happy Holidays!
SoftMaker Team
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Re: Dictionary language each time reverts to English

Post by martin-k »

The best way is to edit the paragraph style "Normal" and change the language there. You could even make that change in your document template so that future documents based on this template get it automatically.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays!
Martin Kotulla
SoftMaker Software GmbH
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