I am just trying to make some kind of "IF" / THAN" formula to add in my worksheet.
But don't get the right wildcard functionality.
E.g. a simple comparison.
I have a column with "text" attributes as for telephone numbers:
Within a cell I do want the outcome to be "Mobile" or "Landline" as for the comparison of the first two digits.
(Mobile numbers in Holland always do start with 06 and do have 10 digits without the international number format).
Formulas are translated by me, as I am using a Dutch version of Planmaker, and formulas do have Dutch attributes.
By HELP file the wildcards should be written as "^?" for each character (a strange wildcard interpretation IMO).
or "*" for many numbers.
E.g. used "mobile" numbers:
Formula that should do the trick ?? (C3 = the cell containing the number):
or a more logical wildcard interpretation
or at least
ALL of these formulas do give "Landline" as outcome.
However if I change e.g. the formula to:
=IF(C3="0612345678";"Mobile";"Landline") ----> the outcome is "Mobile"
So what is the correct wildcard interpretation?
Wildcards within formulars
Re: Wildcards within formulars
Nobody have an answer or solution??
Re: Wildcards within formulars
Hi, =IF(LEFT(A1;2)="06";"Mobile"; "Landline") will do what you want.
Re: Wildcards within formulars
Thank you. That did the trick.