will softmaker team up with linux distro's?

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will softmaker team up with linux distro's?

Post by zazen »

I have been wondering about this for some time now, and I guess it's just out of my own curiousity that I'm asking this question:
Have you at SoftMaker considered teaming up with (commericial) linux distro's? I personally think that a good desktop with integrated SoftMaker programs would be a hell of a sweet offer to those wanting to use linux. No only because we live in a Windows orientated world, but also because at least textmaker linux, (which I use myself) is such a great wordprocessor.

Has anyone heard about SoftMaker planning a move like this or any (commercial) linux distro considering it?

p.s.: Thanks for a briljant piece of work with the tml,

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Post by Tobias-L »

In which distro do you want so see TextMaker bundled to ?
Tobias Leißner
SoftMaker Software GmbH

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bundle with distros

Post by randymon »

I use SUSE and am looking and Xandros, if that helps. I'd certainly pay a bit more for a bundle.
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Re: bundle with distros

Post by Tobias-L »

randymon wrote:I use SUSE and am looking and Xandros, if that helps. I'd certainly pay a bit more for a bundle.
SUSE and Xandros are interesting, and what about Lindows (and its "Click'n'Run" application network)?
Please tell me how much more money you would pay for TextMaker bundled to a distribution?
Tobias Leißner
SoftMaker Software GmbH

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Post by martin-k »

We couldn't talk about it before, but look here:

http://www.suse.com/us/company/press/pr ... 04/91.html
Martin Kotulla
SoftMaker Software GmbH
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